A Battle Lost - by mzsnaz (G) - Amanda's feelings as Spock announces his plans to attain Kohlinahr at Gol.

A Birthday Gift - by Ruth White (G) - Sarek seeks a birthday gift and finds it comes at a price.

A Change of View - by Ruth White (G) - Sarek's compassion takes Amanda totally by surprise.

A Classic Example - by mzsnaz (G) - You know how literal Spock is? You know how it can just drive you crazy? Well, how do you think his parents felt?

A Daddy's Heart - by Ster Julie (G) - Sarek reflects on his relationship with Spock during the journey to Babel.

A Failed Lesson in Control - by Saidicam (NC-17) - I suppose this is a bit of a disclaimer as well.  This story is very silly!  A few weeks ago T'Sia made a comment that she thought it would be fun to read a sex scene between Sarek and Amanda that doesn't go as well as they'd hoped.  This is my effort to fulfill that wish...

A Family Emergency - by Elise J. Deal (G) - A late-night phone call changes Sarek and Amanda's lives forever.  The sequel to this story is The Celebration of Surak.

A Family Holiday Surprise  - by Selek, Saidicam and T'Lea (G) - Eight-year-old Spock travels to Earth and spends his first Christmas with the Grayson family.

A Fairytale Swallowed Whole - by Mary Stacy (G)- Spock asks him mother about his birth.

A Fragile Destiny - by mzsnaz (PG) - Yet another 'How Sarek and Amanda met' story' but with a twist. What if their marriage was arranged as is considered customary by Vulcan standards?
    Part 1        Part 2        Part 3        Part 4

A Gentle Push - by Mary H. (PG) - A response to the writing challenge, " it the old fashioned way..."

A Healing Touch - by Selek (NC-17) - Sarek is recovering from his heart surgery on board the Enterprise, and Amanda helps him with her healing touch.  This was written for the Sarek Fun Fest

A La Carte - by Mary Stacy (G) - Response to a bad-habit challenge.  Amanda points out a bad habit of Sarek's when they're at dinner.

A Late Night at the Office - by Terre (NC-17) - Amanda visits Sarek in his office.

A Lesson in Logic - by Karracaz (G) - This short story story was inspired by an event mentioned in the animated episode 'Yesteryear.'  A year before the events in 'Yesteryear' take place, Spock, as a practical joke, calls out a healer without cause. Now, he has to suffer the logical outcome of his actions.

A Logical Holiday Celebration - by Lisa (PG-13) - The family celebrates its first Mother's Day.

A Logical Reaction  - by Joanne K. Seward (PG-13) - Sarek's reaction after the fal-tor-pan.

A Logical Reason to Reject a Reunion - by Lisa (NC-17) - For Spock's graduation and independence ,why did Sarek not attend? Was there a logical reason?

A Matter of Trust - by T'Sia (NC-17) - I always thought that there was more to Amanda's reaction regarding Sarek's critical heart condition on the way to Babel than what was shown in the episode. Here is what I think could be one of her possible reactions.

A Most Distant Blood - by L.L. "Dusty" Jones and Mary Stacy - This is the story that Dusty never finished.  Her untimely death prompted her friend, Mary, to finish it now.  It is a Sarek-meets-Amanda story.
Book One:  Exile
    Acquaintances (G)
    Friends - WIP

A Most Logical Valentine Present - by T'Sia (G) - Amanda gives her husband a very logical Valentine's present.

A New Perspective - by Misplacedmama (PG) - Sarek asked Miss Grayson how she spent the Christmas holidays  Instead of answering, she offered to show him.

A Question of Romance - by Ruth White (G) - This is a story in response to the Hot Chocolate challenge.

A Quiet Knight In - by Shonhalok (NC-17) - Sarek and Amanda share a tender moment.

A Ride To Remember - by T'Riva (PG-13) - Hide and seek, and getting caught.

A Story About Spock - by T'Kaal (G) - A delicate story about Spock's birth and how his parents live the experience.

A Valentine's Day Surprise - by T'Pree (G) - just what the name implies.

A Vulcan Independence Day - by Lisa (aka Firestar) (R) - How did Sarek decide he was going to Bond with Amanda?

A Vulcan Teaparty - by L. L. MacLeod (submitted by Mary Stacey) (G) - Amanda starts teaching English to Vulcan children at school.

A Vulcan Valentine Vignette - by Aconintum-Napellus (R) - Sarek gives Amanda a unique gift for Valentine's Day.

Absence - by Amanda Grayson (PG) - Amanda recounts the early beginnings of the relationship between Sarek and Spock.

About Love  - by T'Lina (PG) - Spock asks Amanda about romantic love and her reasons for marrying Sarek. Later that evening, Sarek and Amanda discuss Spock's query.

Act of Desperation - by Bert (aka T'Ryl) (R) - Christine finds out too late that a certain Vulcan cared more than he professed.

Act of Kissing, The - by T'Leja (R) - Here is another story that is another take on Vulcans not understanding kissing.

Advent Calendar Sarek and Amanda Stories 2011 - by various authors (G - PG) - a collection of stories, old and new, to reflect the advent calendars.

Adept, The - by Saidicam (PG-13) - Amanda becomes interested in studying the ancient Vulcan disciplines.

Adding Spice - by Ruth White (PG) - Amanda sorts out her new kitchen on Shi'Kahr and gets distracted by Sarek.

After the Credits - Acting Out Fantasies - by Ster Julie (PG) - Spock goes back to the Shoreleave Planet to let off some steam.  He gets more than he bargained for!

After the Credits - A Taste of Armageddon - by Ster Julie (PG) - Ambassador Fox contacts Ambassador Sarek about his son.

After the Credits - Journey to Babel - by Ster Julie (PG) - Sarek and Spock talk after Sarek's surgery.

After the Credits - Journey to Babel - Gift - by Ster Julie (PG) - Spock has something to tell his parents after Sarek's surgery.

After the Credits - Journey to Babel - Father and Son - by Ster Julie (G) - Sarek and Spock talk in sickbay.

After the Credits - Journey to Babel - Pillow Talk - by Ster Julie (PG) - Another exercise in dialogue.

After the Credits - Journey to Babel - Security Risk - by Ster Julie (PG) - Capatin Kirk and Amanda talk while Sarek visits Spock.

After the Credits - Journey to Babel - Make-Out Session - by Ster Julie (PG) - Sarek and Amanda celebrate a successful surgery, not knowing that they were also giving Kirk and Spock and eyeful in the process.

After the Credits - Journey to Babel - Epilogue - by Ster Julie (G) - the last story of this series.

After the Credits - The Apple - Mother Knows Best - by Ster Julie (G) - Amanda warns Spock that she and Sarek would be aboard the Enterprise soon.

After the Credits - The Corbomite Maneuver - Poop - by Ster Julie (PG) - What did Spock really mean when he said that the Balok puppet reminded him of his father?

All That Is, All That Was, All That Will Never Be - by Mary Stacy (PG) - With the new alternate timeline introduced by the 2009 movie, the experiences of TOS Sarek and ATOS Sarek bleed across their respective timelines.

Amanda Muses - Starshadow (G) - a drabble (story of exactly 100 words) about Amanda's thoughts regarding Spock.

Amanda's Escape - by T'Kuht (PG) - Amanda goes out with the girls, and Sarek and the boys follow.

Amanda's Journal - by Tegan (G) - a series of thoughts that Amanda wrote in her journal.
    The Chain
    T'Ashe's Training
    Different Perspectives
    Indispensable Possession
    Worried About a Friend
    Two Days After
    Being Teased
    The Kiss

Amanda's Rules  - By T'Lea and Selek (NC-17, very mild bdsm) - A tongue-in-cheek story inspired by Sarek's upturned shoes seen in STIII.

Amanda's Turn - by Path (PG-13) - Amanda teaches Sarek a new game.

Ambassador's Suite, The - by Ashal-veh (NC-17) - A Vulcan Ambassador and an intoxicated human woman claim the same hotel suite  - can this go over well?

Amusement Park, The - by Ster Julie (G) - Spock's childhood amusement park experiences as hinted at in "Shoreleave".

An Angel in My Arms - by Ster Julie (PG) - A missing scene from "Journey to Babel," after the surgery, but before Kirk entered Sickbay.

An Alternate Life - by Ruth White (R) - An ATOS story.  What if Amanda survived?

Anticipation - by Terre (NC-17) - Sarek shows Amanda how he feels about her.

Anxiety - by Saidicam (G) - As the title suggests, the inner thoughts and feelings on an important day.

Ashes - by T'Sia (G) - Response to the challenge:  use the following phrase "...the hidden dangers of diversity..."

Associates of Good Character - by Lady Amanda (PG) - Post Journey to Babel -- Amanda and Sarek have arrived back home on Vulcan.  This is an extension of my very first fanfic, Flash of Blue.