Tantalize - by mzsnaz (NC-17) - 2005-2006 Desert Winds in the Winter's Cold Challenge - Time travel of some sort or other into Vulcan's past with Sarek and Amanda as the main characters.

Teacher's Pet - by mzsnaz (PG-13) - a drabble (exactly 100 words) about Sarek's early encounters with a young teacher on Earth.

Tempting the Ambassador - by T'Riva (R) - Sarek's workaholic nature backfires with Amanda one Saturday night on the Enterprise.

Things You Did Not Know - A Father's Perspective - by Catherine (submitted by Bert) (G) - a letter to Spock to be opened after Sarek's death.

Third Night of the Honeymoon, The - by T'Pree (R) - What the title suggests.

This is a Rose - by Bert (T'Ryl) (G) - Sarek buys Amanda some rose seedling guaranteed to grow on Vulcan. They have all the characteristics of the rose except one - their scent.

Three Dog Night - by mzsnaz (PG) - A sequel of sorts to the story 'Have You Met my Bodyguard?'  Amanda and Ee-Chiya have reached a grudging truce, but when events conspire that compel them to spend time together, each will be forced to re-evaluate the other.

Through The Fire And Forever Into The Code Of Silence - by Path (G) - How does one prepare to become a bondmate to a Vulcan, if you were not born a Vulcan? Follow Amanda Grayson as she contemplates her fate while taking the journey to face her ordeal to become Sarek's bondmate.

Time Portal - by Saidicam (PG-13) - A wonderful time-travel story and another Sarek-meets-Amanda tale.

Time Travel - by T'Sia (G) - Use the following phrase in a 100+ word log / " back to ancient times..."  An ATOS story.

Time Will Tell - by Ster J (PG) - Spock is suspicious of Sarek's new assistant (A "how Sarek and Perrin met" story).

Time to Say Goodbye Suite - by Ster Julie
    Fledgling- Sarek has just sensed Spock's death.  His reaction is not logical.
    Morning Mists - Amanda is visited in her dreams by Spock, and she realizes that he has died.
    Song of Two Brothers, The (not on this archive)
    We Grieve Together - Sarek and Amanda come together over the death of Spock.
    Wonder of Wonders - Sarek brings Spock home after the fal-tor-pan for a family reunion.

To Serve the Living - by Ster J (G) - Amanda receives the flag that had covered Spock's burial tube.

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream - by Ster Julie (PG) - Nightmares, or fear of them, keep Spock awake.  The survivors have found a solution.  An ATOS story.

Together Forever (poem) - by T'Pree (G) - A poem from "The Collected Poems of the Lady Amanda".

Too Much Information - by mzsnaz (G) - Young Spock makes an important discovery about... the color spectrum.  Based on a true story.

Tooth and Truth - by ChemMommy (G) - Spock's first tooth.

Tradition - by Ruth White (G) - Use the following phrase in a 100+ word log / " back to ancient times..."

Traditions and Respect - by Lisa (aka Firestar) (PG-13) - Scene from JTB.

T'Rea- by Elise (PG-13) - Sarek's first Time with his first wife.

Treasured Memories - a series by Ster Julie (G - PG) - In 2004, after the sudden loss of a very dear friend and mentor, I wrote a pair of stories:

"Spock's Treasures"
"The Treasured Box"

Each contained elements that could be fleshed out into individual stories.  This story is comprised of many chapters which used to be listed separately.

Trinity (a Round Robin story) - by Elise, Saya, Joanna, Mary Stacy, Saidicam, T'Lea, Selek, Cheryl and T'Ryl (R) - Newlyweds Sarek and Amanda deal with the stresses of beginning their life together.  A new house, a woman from Sarek's past, secrets revealed and a meddling mother-in-law who just won't quit...

Tug-o-War - by Aashlee Elizabeth (G) - A look into an episode in Spock's early childhood based on this prompt excerpted from In My Dreams by Saidicam. (Visit the TrekTales Web site for the story.)

Turning Point, The - by Karracaz (G) - Spock is nearing the end of his school career. His father, Sarek, expects him to enter the Vulcan Science Academy.  Spock, however, has other ideas. A confrontation between father and son cannot be avoided.

Tween the Lines - by Yen the Nut (PG) - Amanda teaches idioms to the Vulcan staff of the embassy and learns a bit about them herself.

28 Days - by T'Sia (PG) - Sarek makes a disturbing discovery about Human biology.

Twilight Time - by T'Pree (R) - A short story about Sarek and Amanda and the love they share for each other.