Valentine Baby - by SandsOfVulcan (G) - Sarek is babysitting.

Valentine's Day - by Terre Guidry (NC-17) - Sarek and Amanda get stuck in an elevator with an interesting outcome.

Various Shades of Gray - by VickyFromGreece (PG-13) - Sequel to "Yesteryear". While Spock undertakes his kahs'wan, Sarek and Amanda face a dilemma. How willing are they to make compromises and face the consequences of their decisions? They love each other but when love is not enough? Years later Spock and Nyota face their own dilemma. And compromises are never easy...

Victor, The - by Elise Deal (G) - Sarek and Amanda engage in a competition with interesting results.

Vulcan Physiology - provided by Selek: from the Star Fleet Medical Reference Manual (pg 52-55) - an article on Vulcan physiology.

Vulcan's Secrets - by Ster Julie (PG-13) - This is the reason why Vulcan's Secrets lingerie cannot be sold to humans!