Title: Reflections On Fatherhood

Author: Terry L. Gardner

Rating: G

Disclaimer: Paramount owns Star Trek and it's characters, I just write about them.

Summary: Sarek writes a letter to his father, Skon, to honor him on the very day his son, Spock, is born. 



Peace and long life, my father,

Today, I am a father. As I gaze upon my infant son, Spock, I think back upon my relationship with you. For many years, Father, we played together, learned together, and worked together. I learned life's lessons and the Disciplines at your knee, in your study, and by your side.

By your example, I came to know how to be a man of principle and virtue, devoted to logic and The Way of Surak. Some of my best memories in life come when I recall the moments when you shared your wisdom with me, guiding me, molding me into the man I am today. You nurtured my soul, mind, body, and spirit. I am proud to be your son.

Live Long and Prosper
