Hi. Just a few warm thoughts from EVIL TWIN(Catherine). Since it has been so quiet today, she thought she would heat things up a bit.  Feedback is always appreciate. Let her know how you feel or she won't want to come out and play. And we all know we want her to come out and play.
Even though I am from a desert planet and moisture here is precious, I would gladly give it to you.
You are my oasis in the desert.
Here I find an overflow of the fluid of life. I gladly give it to you.
You are my oasis in the desert.
I know that you will nuture it, as it is in your nature to do so. You will make it rain here in this barren land of red hot sand within you is the power and the energy to make it happen.
You are my oasis in the desert.
I know this because you have made it bloom in this desert of red hot sand.
You are my oasis in the desert.
I await the next rainfall from you.