Mark Lenard

"The Man, the Actor, the Father and Friend"

An interview with members of the Lenard Family
- written by Linda Paulsen


"We are but creatures of duty... Now there is but one last duty to perform"
- Mark Lenard as the Romulan Commander in "A Balance of Terror"

Over the past several months this writer has spent a lot of time working with and talking to members of the Lenard family. To give readers an insight to the man being honored at Praxis as well as the family that stood behind him throughout his career, we decided to get the inside story.
Mark Lenard's daughter Cathy and son-in-law Robert have been compiling Mark's literary writings, quotes and personal journal entries, along with tributes from his fans and fellow Star Trek co-stars into a delightful and passionate story behind one of the best loved actors in the Star Trek universe." No "official" title has been given to the book as of yet.
Tentatively the book is being called: "The Autobiography/Biography of Mark Lenard."
So to keep the "element of surprise" on our side, we decided to keep the interview pretty basic. Cathy and Robert will be attending Praxis as our Special Guests. It is their goal to have the book published and at the event.
Here we will "wet your appetite" for the story behind the story, well... I guess you will just have to attend the event!


The Interview

Mor'gann: Was Mark the same person off screen as he was on?

Robert: Mark in many ways reminded me of Sarek, or shall I say Sarek is really Mark Lenard. He was always kind and gracious and sometimes he was stubborn. He made every effort to be a man up-do-date with new discoveries in science and in history. He loved his family and even though disagreements arose, he always tried to be the peace maker. He was very confident and lived with particular purposes in mind.

Mor'gann: What were some of the other roles that Mark played…besides Star Trek and Planet of the Apes?

Robert: He was a regular on "Here Comes the Brides" as Aaron Stemple. Hew as one of the Magi in "The Greatest Story Ever Told". He played opposite Leonard Mimoy in several "Mission Impossible" shows. He was Ambassador Duvoe on "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century". He was on the "Incredible Hulk", "The Bob Newhart Show", and "Hawaii 5-0" several times; the soap opera, "Another World". And the science fiction "Otherworld" series as Emperor Thorva, just to name a few.

Mor'gann: What was it like being the family of a big celebrity?

Robert: We are proud of his accomplishments, and even more proud of the way he carried himself with every one. He was not arrogant, but he did carry himself with a certain majesty. I think that in another reality he could have been a great king. We have an extended family because of him with wonderfully kind and gracious individuals. He was our shining star.

Mor'gann: Why did you decide to write this book about Mark?

Robert: It was my idea to tempt Mark to get better soon if we would begin his memoirs. He wanted to do this for some time, but was always working. At the time, we thought that he would get well soon, but when things took a turn for the worst, I wanted to encourage my wife to put her feelings on paper, for ourselves and everyone else.

Mor'gann: What are your goals and aspirations with this book?

Robert: We want people to come to know the Mark Lenard we know. A man of kindness, adventure and strength. He was always mindful of his fans and because of this, we want to share him with everyone. With all the interviews that we have conducted, I am persuaded more than ever, that all of us; his family, friends and fans all have a bit of Mark's story. No one person knows him fully because of the private way he carried himself. But now everyone will have a better glimpse of his life and times.

Mor'gann: Tell us a bit about you and Cathy…you know…"about the authors".

Robert: I am an award-winning writer. I have worked as a technical designer for several off-Broadway productions and have designed sets for the United States and Soviet Union peace talks. I have been a guest lecturer at several college campuses: topics range from Malcolm X, to the Taino Indians; who first met Columbus. I am currently completing my degree in Ancient Near Eastern Studies.

Catherine has won several awards for journalism and prose compositions. She studied dance with Eric Hawkins and has appeared in many dance performances with Par Parim Dance Company. She has edited manuscripts and has worked on the New York Longitudinal Study for Dr. Stella Chess and Dr. Alexander Thomas. She is currently a professor of English and is completing her degree in English Literature.

Mor'gann: You were planning a memorial service. How and why was it decided to change the family plans and move it to Praxis, making Praxis the Official Tribute to Mark Lenard?

Robert: Originally, I was put in charge of the memorial service in Mark's honour. This service was intended for the extended friends and family of Mark Lenard that could not attend the funeral. Eventually, these plans were canceled though Cathy and I were going to have a memorial service at our local church. With all the work we have had and the need "for a time to heal", we decided it would be better to wait. Then the idea was mentioned by Mark's friend, David Ballou, that we should have a service that included his fans. No better place to do that than Praxis. The service will be traditional as well as fandom related. So Jews and Christians, as well as Klingons and Romulans will be able to pay their respects to a wonderful being.


Final Remarks

I would like to thank Robert and Cathy for taking the time out of their busy school schedules to complete this interview. Both of them have been instrumental in the successes that we have seen with this event.
Personally, through them, I have grown to know Mark in a way I never thought I could and like Robert and Cathy, I want to share that with all his fans.
I would also like to thank Robert and Cathy for taking my own personal tribute to Mark and including it in the book. It has been and is a great honor to work so closely with such fantastic people. Through and because of Mark, I have met new people and gained new and lasting friendships... a reward worth more than all the gold and jewels on earth.
To Mark I say this... There is no doubt in my mind that you are watching, listening and even lending a hand here and there... A spirit like yours cannot die, because so much of you LIVES in all of us.... as you stated in A Balance of Terror, "In a different reality I could have called you friend." And to that, no truer words can be spoken. In this reality all I can say is that you were much like my own father, a man I admired above all men.