Heat and Cinnamon

Author: Joanna Bordelon
Email: sandsofvulcan@yahoo.com
Series: TOS
Rating: PG-13
Character Code: Sa/Am
Summary: A drabble in response to the cinnamon challenge. Amanda
makes a good experience, better.
Disclaimer: Star Trek is copyrighted by Paramount/Viacom.
Archive: Ask please.

Sarek's vision swam before him. For the first time in days he was
cool, comfortably so. Amanda put the cool cloth aside that she had
used to bathe him while he slept. Slowly her blue eyes swam into

"Amanda? You are uninjured?" he asked weakly.

"You could never hurt me. I felt your need, but you were otherwise
yourself," she smiled.

"What was that smell, aduna?"

"Cinnamon. Dr. Corrigan warned me of its effects on Vulcans. I think
he intended that I should make sure you avoided it, but I think it
should become a tradition."

"Indeed," Sarek agreed.